Category Archives for "Sales Techniques"
In my experience, there are two types of sales people.?The first group, the majority, find a lot in common with their cousins who are beginning a career?in the creative arts.
Speak to any writer, setting out to write?their first book, and they will tell you that they have to be in the mood to put pen to paper.?Whereas an author with a successful track record will tell you they have no time to wait for the right mood. Many years of experience have taught them that the mood comes once they have completed their first 1500 words. Whereas this group of sales people sit in coffee shops wondering why they are not more successful. Success only comes from picking up the phone and making a call
The second group of sales people have a lot in common with religious nuns, living in a convent. Nuns are known to?revel in the security of having a set routine - maybe that's where the term holy orders comes from.
Imagine life in a convent,?waking up at 4 AM, on a cold winter's morning, to head out for?morning of prayer in a cold, dimly lit, Church Abbey.?For most of us who?enjoy the modern day comforts of life, their lifestyle looks extremely uncomfortable.?Do you think those nuns have to be in the 'mood' to make morning prayer??Obviously not, it is there in a devotion to God and their order that enables them to wake up with a cheerful spirit and enter the sanctity of religious prayer. Their positive mood comes from taking action.
Well like the nuns, our second group of sales people have learnt that discipline and sticking to a set number of calls and appointments is the key to their long term success.
In this article, we are going to put?aside your emotional makeup and instead look at a series of five steps you can take to make the most of your sales week. All of these steps apply to both temperaments ...
In my?last post, How To?Make A Cold Call ? Part two, I explained where the office supply salesperson had gone wrong with his cold calling approach.
In this final post of my three part series on Cold Calling, I will explain to you why you should stop acting like a salesperson.
Plus, I will share with you an approach I use to develop a cold calling script.
In part one of the best strategy for cold calling in 2020, we examined the concept of cold calling and why some sales reps fail at cold calling while others are extremely successful. At the end of the last Post, I shared with you a telephone call I took from a sales rep, selling office supplies, and once I had finished the telephone call, how I walked away amazed at his terrible selling approach.
We reeval the best cold calling strategy for 2020.
Do you hate cold calling? Why is it that some people succeed at cold calling while others completely fail? In this three-part series, I will examine the problems with cold calling and provide you with a very simple solution that has enabled me to cold call business decision-makers in small businesses, with five staff, through to CEOs of publicly listed companies.
In this special report, I?share with you five proven steps?for increasing your sales performance in only one week:
On a daily basis I keep in touch with what is happening in the industries I am targeting by reading the business pages of various newspapers (both print editions and online). What you find are news stories announcing developments in your sector.
In my case, I once read about an interior design company who had just completed a major project and were receiving many accolades for their work. I cold called their CEO?and suggested that we could?produce a newsletter featuring a major profile on this project with testimonial comments?from their clients. They could send the newsletter out to their database of prospects
No sooner?had I started my telephone conversation with the CEO he responded, "I am so glad you telephoned, we had just been discussing how we could?get more mileage out of the exposure this project had given us".?That week he signed up to a newsletter program and has been a client of ours now for the past five years.
If I had not been reading the business pages each day in the?Australian?Financial Review,?I would never have seen the editorial that led me to make that?telephone call.
Do you hate the thought of Monday morning sales meetings? Do you find it hard to drag yourself out of bed, let alone fight your way through traffic, hoping you won?t be late?
When I first started my?sales career, I belonged to the?group of sales reps who had to drag themselves to every sales meeting. Once the sales meeting had finished we were the salespeople?who?headed to the local coffee shop to bury our sorrows over a cappuccino or a danish.
It hadn't always been like that, initially I had been full of enthusiasm. I had been offered a position that had the potential to provide an unlimited income. But as time moved on my lack of experience resulted in me struggling to make enough sales each week. With every knock back, my confidence started to give way to negative thinking.
Having worked at that company for six months, I found every day a struggle to be on time. Feeling sorry for myself, those sessions in the coffee shop allowed me to vent my disappointment with my colleagues.
How do you turn a successfully completed project into an opportunity which could lead to further sales?
Word of Mouth is the best advertising – an ultra-effective method that you can add to your website to bring home the sales.
No matter how glib, polished and convincing your sales message, nothing beats the sales generation power of testimonials from your clients, particularly if they are professionally written in an engaging manner to be both informative and entertaining.
You are holding a handful of business cards, just a few of the leads you collected at your most recent trade show. In this report, we reveal how you can turn those leads into sales over the coming weeks.
Research shows that on average for every lead you receive at your trade show stand it takes at least 7 to 12 follow-up points of contact after the trade show before a sale is made.