How can you contact Ken Robinson?

Do you help growing your sales?

Would you like to have your sales team trained?

Than please coontact me and I will be able to start helping you and your team immediately grow your sales.

Mobile: 61-408 028 825

Phone:  61-2-4954 2100

Fax:  61-2-4954 2001


Mail:  P.O.Box 3170, Valentine, NSW, 2280, Australia


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We know that business professionals are attractive targets for unwanted spam (we get our share too). Please know that organisations sending these messages will not receive your information from us or from this site.

More detailed Privacy Policy can be found here.


The purpose of this site is to educate individuals on the world of marketing and selling their products or services, corporate style marketing, small business marketing, self-employment, and entrepreneurship. and all other individuals represented on this site shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.

Use is granted with the understanding that other individuals and entities represented on this site are not engaged in rendering legal or financial advice.

If expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

All material on this site is copyright (c) 2018