- in Sales Techniques by Trainer Ken
The Best Cold Calling Strategy for 2020 (Part 2)

The Best Cold Calling Strategy for 2020
In part one of the best strategy for cold calling in 2020, we examined the concept of cold calling and why some sales reps fail at cold calling while others are extremely successful. At the end of the last Post, I shared with you a telephone call I took from a sales rep, selling office supplies, and once I had finished the telephone call, how I walked away amazed at his terrible selling approach.
So where did the sales rep go wrong cold calling?
We reeval the best cold calling strategy for 2020.
He was too focused on his own self interest. In a later part of this three part series on Cold Calling I will share how I approach a cold call.
Even if you make 50 cold calls, if what you're selling is something that people place value on then there will always be someone wanting to buy.
You may speak to that person on the 51st call or it may take another 49 calls to reach a potential prospect.
Don't stop until you get through -?Top salespeople know that if they stop after a rejection, it will take a heap of courage to pick the phone up and start again.
You have to operate from the premise, that there are going to be at least a few people you cold call who are looking to achieve the same results as your clients. Just because a few people said no,?doesn't mean the whole world is going to say no.
There are prospects?out in the marketplace right now who are looking for new ideas that will help their business. The average CEO is looking at ways to save time, save money and the chance to make life as hassle free as possible.
What is the best strategy when you cold called a decision maker and got them on the line?
I always start the cold call?by?telling them I have an idea to help them. Then I reveal how I?ve helped other people like them to be successful. And if they?re willing to give me 10 or 15 minutes, I will show them the possibilities.
Does it always work?
In some cases it does not, you may catch the prospect when they have just finished having a telephone call with their wife that ended in an argument.
You are the next caller, it doesn?t matter how good your idea is, you are going to cop their flack. Having had an argument with their wife, their mind is not on their business, their mind is on the issue of whether they'll be sleeping in the 'doghouse' tonight.
Simply, call back next week.
You most likely caught them on a bad day and they took their frustration out on you.
If however you phone?them back a week later and they are still rude, wipe them off the list.
Who needs to add a bad tempered person to your client list anyway, at that stage you should move on.
In tomorrow's Post, How to Make a Cold Call ? Part 3, I will share with you why you should never act like a salesperson when cold calling and how?to make successful cold calls.
Question: What are your thoughts on cold calling?
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